ready to build your own online biz!?









 Question for you... 

What if you could consistently make 5 figures a month with your OWN profitable online biz?!

Or, let me rephrase that… 

What if, you had the step-by-step strategy and formula to build your own profitable online course so you could actually ditch your 9-5?! 


… the strategy, support, and empowered mindset to bring your talents, strengths, skills, and story to the table in order to create massive impact in the world?! 


Imagine changing lives, helping people find solutions to their problems, and being your own boss? All of that giving you infinite freedom of time & money while allowing you to be anywhere your heart desires! 


If you want to learn how to build a profitable online course by leveraging your strengths, story, & skills so you can create your own revenue stream… 

Here’s the problem…

You know that in order to generate enough income to quit your day job, you need to start building your online course…

However, you're constantly second-guessing yourself and asking questions like… 


"Where do I start?" 

"Where do I put my online course?" 

"How do I find potential customers & clients?" 

"How do I price my course or even make money?" 

"Ugh, should I even be doing this? 

"Do people even want to hear from me?"

"Do I have anything to even offer?"



Can You Imagine?!

Imagine only working 20 hours/week …without having a boss, trading time for money, & sitting at a desk where your job sucks your soul. 

Close your eyes and picture it!!

Your mornings are all for you! No setting the alarm because you set your hours!

Freedom baby! Go take your workweek in Greece because your work travels with you. #workfromtheworld


DING! New Email Alert, you just made consistent sales in your sleep! 


I’m ready to transform my life

If you want to learn how to build your own online course and profit from it (with ease and joy), I have something for you….




build a profitable online course in 60 days using your story, skills, & strengths! 


Here's some proof!

Let us pull back the curtain and show you the growth & consistent monthly sales we've had with our own online course & being our own boss! 

We've been consistently growing exponentially since January 2021. 

On the way to our first 6 figure year. This could be you! 

👇🏾👇🏾 Here's How It All Breaks Down👇🏾👇🏾

Module one

how to uncover your magnetic energy

This module is the foundation of building your online course business. 

What is your energetics when you walk into a room? 

What is the most natural way you magnetize things to you? 

Energy is everything and understanding the way your energy works will set you up for ultimate success in your business. 

Learn the best ways to structure your online course based off your energy type & the strengths of each of them! 

Module two

illuminate & activate your strengths

This module will help you form the most important part of your online course… your course topic! 

Dig into the depths of your story, your natural strengths ( the things you most often overlook), and your skills as you create a well of all the things you can teach on! 

We teach you how to uncover your niche so you can stand out in a sea of many and make waves! 

Once you determine your unique course topic, we set your launch date! 👏🏽👏🏽

Module three

create your elevated mindset

Inside module 3, the name of the game is establishing why you’re building your own business. 

Everyone has a reason. The reason is your driving force!

We also dive deep into the mindset you need to begin to embody as an entrepreneur!

The Aim To Elevate Method™ will keep you fresh, inspired, and courageous as business owners! 

Limiting beliefs & fears don't stand a chance!  

I promise you we will teach you all the tools and practices to keep your mind expansive, empowered, and elevated for every stage of the journey!

Module four

establish who you serve

Who is your soulmate client?!

We will teach you how to find your client BFF.

You don’t need to know who that person is when you start, but after this module you’ll even have a name for them. 

Speaking to one person helps you find your exact tribe of potential clients! When we try to help everyone we end up speaking to no one.

You are made for helping a specific someone with a specific pain point! We teach how to uncover them! 

Module five

uncover your client success framework

But, what do I teach my clients?! 

Don’t even sweat it! That’s why you have us.

We will teach you how to craft your client success framework to help them achieve their A to B transformation!

We will give you systems to help you build your course content and curriculum! 

Module six

master your message

Build Your Course to perfection in this module! 

How to record your videos? How to speak your message to your soul mate client?

We help you build your first 250 people on your email list along with how to tell them you’re in business! 

This module teaches you how to decide your brand messaging and how to use your REAL authentic voice to share what you do with your potential customers! 

Module seven

your time to shine= impact & income

Time to shine! Learn every detail to prepare you for your launch! 

How to presell or live launch. 

How to makes a sales page.

How to take a sale. 

How to price your course. 

All the details to put you in CEO mode and get ready for the impact and income on its way! 

Launching your first online course can be seamless and easy! 

What makes this course special is we've seen what is out there and have more than enough trial and error experience! We've invested over 50k, in business gurus & mentors. 

They all were missing TWO THINGS: 
  1. Teaching & educating on the mindset it takes to put yourself out there and show up to your business. 
  2. They only ever teach a one-sized fits all approach despite the uniqueness in our needs, desires, and abilities as individuals. 

Pair that with the lack of support once you buy the product, We knew we needed to create Conscious Biz Creator so no one felt overwhelmed, confused, and left out to dry again! 

Inside CBC, you'll receive access to our Question Thread where you can get all your feedback & questions answered + our Aim To Elevate Mindset Process so you can master your mind, cultivate your truest potential, & set personalized feedback on the steps you take!

are you ready?

  • Uncover Your Magnetic Business Flow + Biz Design (Value $499)
  • Align With Your Strengths to Build Biz + Brand (Value $499)
  • Create Your Elevated Mindset (Value $499)
  • Establish Who You Serve (Value $499)
  • Uncover Your Client Success Framework (Value $499)
  • Master Your Message + Create Connection Content (Value $499)
  • Time To Shine: Create Impact & Income (Value: $499) 
  • Workbooks + Tools + Q & A Thread (Value $1997)

AN $4,997 VALUE!








hi we're louis & sidney!

Co-founders of Renew You Living & Online Course Creators!

We are Business & Mindset Coaches here to teach you exactly how to uncover your natural gifts, story, and expertise to package it into an online course!

We have been exactly where you are, deeply desiring more freedom, ease, and less hustle & burnout in our lives!

We wanted to build something for ourselves to make an impact on the world!

Now, we currently make 5 figures every single month!

We are here to pay it forward to you and show you how you can do the same 👏🏽👏🏽

Learn everything it takes to become an online course creator, how to craft your story, and utilize your strengths!

See you inside!


Frequently Asked Questions

are we a good fit?

Should you join Conscious Biz Creator? Is it the right fit for you?

We’re looking for a particular type of person, and you might be a match.

Let’s find out.

YOU ARE A GREAT FIT FOR Conscious Biz Creator IF:

  • you want to push past your limits & transform the world around you
  • you want to create more magic and excitement in your life
  • you are to share your gifts with the world
  • you want to feel enough in a world that challenges your worthiness
  • you're ready to walk away from fear & into freedom

"Sidney & Louis wants us to live our lives as the best version and it shows!"

"Whether you’re feeling a lack of motivation, lack of direction or you’re just feeling off — she will be here for you and help you get back on track! This year has been tough for so many of us. I’ve been struggling with a type of depression I haven’t ever really experienced before ... Sidney has dedicated herself to uplifting her clients to stand in their power in a way only she can."

Arri,  Actress/WRITER











are you ready?

  • Uncover Your Magnetic Business Flow + Biz Design (Value $499)
  • Align With Your Strengths to Build Biz + Brand (Value $499)
  • Create Your Elevated Mindset (Value $399)
  • Establish Who You Serve (Value $499)
  • Uncover Your Client Success Framework (Value $499)
  • Master Your Message + Create Connection Content (Value $499)
  • Time To Shine: Create Impact & Income (Value: $499) 
  • Workbooks + Tools + Q & A Thread (Value $1997)

An $4,997 VALUE!





