Be the happiest person you know!


Hey friends!

We are Sidney and Louis! 

Thank you so much for being here and diving into the journey of healing! 

When we started our journey 7+ years ago (before we met), we were both struggling in our own bodies'. What manifested in our bodies as inflammation, weight gain, tightness, muscle and joint pain, truly started in our minds! 

"A man is but a product of his thoughts what he thinks, he becomes"- Mahatma Ghandi

We both lived lives that weren’t aligned with our truths. By creating friction in our minds, we created physical tension in our bodies leaving us in constant pain.

For Sidney, it was a massive battle with weight gain and body image issues that created years of disordered eating and an unhealthy obsession with fitness. 

For Louis, it was overwhelming fear of judgements from others, lack of self love & appreciation, and anxiety around "fitting in". 

As beautiful souls we all suffer from the ‘not enough’ syndrome and can get lost on the path.

BUT, THAT IS NOT YOU! That is not where the story stops! 

It's not until we learn how to let go of our self sabotaging stories & beliefs can we then remember and understand the TRUTH, that we are divine human beings already worthy of happiness, health, and belonging! 

We found each other on our journey and made it our mission to help others heal in order to feel free!

As certified holistic health coaches, we are confident we can help you heal the struggle with the mind/body in order to set you on a path to renewing the most EMPOWERED, CONFIDENT, and RADIANT version of YOU.

Can't wait to get started!!